Most Americans give little thought to where their electricity comes from, Oregonians most certainly do. This is why Portland General Electric asked us to educate consumers on the many ways they harvest energy directly from nature.

With an entirely Oregon-based crew, we shot and launched PGE's "Proud" campaign, with both :30 and :15 versions running on TV and online.

Then we placed print in opinion-influencing pubs throughout the region.

When we took their "Proud" message to the streets, we placed bold 3-part billboards in transit and high-foot traffic areas. Ads featured both wind and solar energy sources and helped people feel proud of the power they use, as it holds no harm to the environment.

As the campaign continued, we reduced each placement size, building on and reinforcing the ads consumers had previously seen.

Ultimately, the campaign succeeded in shifting perceptions of PGE and helped the public understand that at every juncture, they're doing everything they can to protect the world we all must live in.

Brand strategy

Logo design & brand development

Creative media placement

Brand building

Website development & production

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